Join us to hear about our 2024-25 Sponsorship opportunities and how you can become a Leeds Knights Sponsor!
As we plan for next season, it is with much anticipation that we announce the launch of our 2024-25 Sponsorship opportunities at a special evening, hosted by event partners, the Marriott Hotel. This will be an opportunity to get to know more about the Leeds Knights and hear about:
● How your business can partner with the Leeds Knights
● The range of sponsorship opportunities for your business
● Our Match Night experience and hospitality options, and,
● How you can be a part of the #BestKnightInLeeds!
Save the date:
When: Wednesday 13th March 2024
Time: 5.30pm Arrival for a 6pm start; 8pm close.
Where: Marriott Hotel, 4 Trevelyan Square, Boar Lane, Leeds, LS1 6ET.
This will be an evening for the business community to learn about the fastest sport in Leeds, the growth of ICE HOCKEY in Leeds, the opportunities for your business, and, how you can be a part of Leeds’ up and coming unique sporting experience.
To reserve your place and to know more about the Leeds Knights, please contact our Managing Director, Warwick Andrews, to register your place - click the button below!